At STEF, we are not only looking to introduce kids to a lifelong love of tennis, but to tap into their critical thinking, curiosity, and creativity! Our program aims to keep kids physically active by getting them off of screens and on to the tennis court. While tennis is our main focus, we also center around positivity, community, and participation both on and off the court. Social and emotional learning and wellbeing is a key component in working with youth and we take time each week to highlight different topics such as honesty, communication, and sportsmanship. We want our kids to feel seen and heard by staff and their peers, which is why we value social and emotional connection in our program at STEF.
In the classroom, we continue to spark interest and discover new ways of learning together. We aim to enrich the lives of our participants by offering new and fun activities that challenge all ages. While we do not offer specific tutoring or homework help, our academic and enrichment side of programming involves art, STEM, reading, writing, and more! Activities range from play read alouds to learning about the science of slime and from journaling to building lego robots. Our goal is to expose our kids to as many new experiences as possible and help them find their own passions and interests.
We tend to keep a small cohort of kids in our program so as to create a community of care. Our coaches and staff get to know each and every one of our kids and families personally. At STEF, we value the people we serve and regularly host family events to maintain our close knit community.
Through offering a free program, we provide access to a sport, unique learning experiences, and critical social and emotional resources to kids and families who otherwise would be unable to afford it. Our core programming at STEF is also not duplicated by another agency, school, or organization within the served community.




Youth reported a 100% overall program satisfaction score. Here, satisfaction was defined as whether a young person would recommend this program to a friend.
We received a 94% implementation score, which showed we frequently remind our participants that we expect them to try hard and do their best and that our staff take time to understand and listen to our youth and their lives outside of our program.
83% of our youth reported that this program created opportunities for them to try new things that they had never done before and 78% said that we create activities that reference or include things they enjoy.
Data showed that 94% of our youth felt a sense of team or group identity at STEF and 83% agreed that we create opportunities for youth to engage with people who are different from themselves.
All data comes from verified surveys from HelloInsight, which are taken taken by our program participants. These surveys measure overall program satisfaction, authentic engagement, expanded interests, and promoted peer bonds.